Merkel embarrassed by German flag at rally

When German leader Angela Merkel was handed a German flag at a media event, she handed it off to someone else with a look of disgust and exasperation.

Ezra Levant of tries to make sense of this bizarre gesture. He says it reflects her obvious hatred of her own country, as evidenced by her insistence on flooding Germany with Muslim extremist “refugees”

Well is it any shock?, the women is on the verge of obliterating Germany with this false immigrant crisis, of course she does not give a shit about the country… And she is so confident in it and how she hates the country she does not even mind showing it. She should be jailed.

Hitler was the extreme right, Germans vowed to never allow such things to happen again. ironically we now seem to think extreme left is the answer. that’s like moving to Siberia because it’s too hot in south Africa. Germans in fact learned nothing from their history. if this mass immigration leads to the end of our culture or even a civil war, this time Germans themselves are getting screwed